Join us

Join our team!

We are looking for people around the world to write or make video interviews, reviews, etc.

If you want to:

  • Support your local scene
  • Tell the world about your local scene
  • Promote your band, event, etc
  • Need a trainee position, one more line for your CV or just enjoy content creating
  • Want to receive new physical music releases
  • Just love punk and/or metal music

If you could do some of the following:

  • When you are at the gig, take couple of photos from the bands (not audience), write a review
  • Update events into our calendar
  • Write a review of the record, music cassette, etc you recently got
  • Write a news about new releases from your area
  • Interview a band (with video or text), artist or other music related person (it would be nice to get interviews from the people behind the bands)
  • Ask people to answer to our 10 questions page and send the material to us
  • Graphic designers also welcome

If you answered at least once in both sections, please write us at publish (at) and tell more about yourself.

However keep in mind, this is a d.i.y. project run by volunteers, so we cannot pay, but in every quarter we gift the article and the YouTube video with most views with some digital or physical gift. So if you share a link to your content on your social media platform, you will increase your chances to get a gift. Also, in the long run, once we will get money from YouTube advertisers, it will mean pure money for creators.